Monthly Archives: Οκτώβριος 2006

Blue Oyster Spiral Fractal Zoom

No matter how deep you go, there’s always more. This movie took quite a few days to calculate.

In 1993, when i first made a poster of the image i call «blue oyster spiral,» which is a zoom at about the 100 Billion X magnification level inside the Mandelbrot Fractal, it took 34 computers 3 days to render it. today, the same poster can be rendered on one typical PC in just a few hours.

Of course, since the Mandelbrot Fractal is infinite in nature, i can still easily find spots i want to explore that take a present day computer months to calculate.

I’m ambivalent about the fact that no computer will ever be powerful enough to let me see the infinite detail to be seen in there. On the one hand, there will always be more to see, every time i have access to more computing power. on the other, it will never be enough. oh well 🙂

Music: «Breakaway» by Big Pig. Copy/paste link below to purchase the music from

Fractal: animated in much higher resolution than this with fractal extreme.

Fractal Posters available at the link above.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for my next fractal zoom video! I just rendered 100 frames of it in 63 hours and i’d really like to be able to do more. if you want to help me, download the evaluation copy of ULTRA FRACTAL animation edition ( ), then run the little fractal server software that comes with it. contact me via email (address at my site, link above) to let me know your ip# so i can add you to the project. -Dave



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